Legend says that if you say three times "Messinian" in front of an outcrop, the Crazy Geologist appears and chases you armed with her pick.
About the picture: It's an avatar (of me) done while I was in a Italian geologic workshop. The joke about the "Messinian" is a geologic joke (don't bully me for it XD).
Messinian is a geologic stage which had often been mentioned during this course. I ended up tired to hear this word... And then, some weeks later, I started my PhD. About how has the Tyrrhenian evolved during the Messinian.
Ah! And about the tittle: in fact "picconatrice" means "pneumátic pick" in italian (I'm pretty sure about it), and "pazza" means "crazy".
Now, I'm mentally insane. XD
Ah! And about the tittle: in fact "picconatrice" means "pneumátic pick" in italian (I'm pretty sure about it), and "pazza" means "crazy".